Bachelor's Programmes

Bachelor's Programmes

After completing the online registration, you will receive an invitation to the practical/theoretical entrance exam by email.

The entrance exam for Bachelor's programmes consists of three rounds, each of which must be successfully passed in order to advance to the next round.

Artistic Bachelor's programme (KBA degree programmes)

  • 1st round: video submission
  • 2nd round: audition on site
  • 3rd round: theory exam (applicants for the KBA Jazz degree programme also take an additional piano supplementary subject exam – for exceptions, see here)

Pedagogical Bachelor's programme (PBA degree programmes)

  • 1st round: video submission
  • 2nd round: audition on site
  • 3rd round: theory exam and piano supplementary subject exam (for exceptions, see here)

The first and second rounds serve to determine artistic aptitude.

  • All candidates in the first round will be notified of their admission/non-admission to the second round two weeks after the registration deadline.
  • All candidates in the second round will be notified of their admission/non-admission to the third round as soon as possible.
  • The entrance examination commission will rank the candidates after they have passed all three rounds.

This ranking is the basis for final admission, subject to the number of available places. The available places are allocated according to this ranking. In addition, a waiting list is created.

Accepted study places must be taken up by the 1st of September by sending the signed study contract and transferring the tuition fees for the first semester. If this does not happen, these study places will become available and be offered to those on the waiting list, also according to the ranking.

Master's Programmes

Master's Programmes

After completing the online registration, you will receive an invitation to the practical/theoretical entrance exam by email.

The entrance exam for Master's programmes consists of two rounds, of which the first round must be passed in order to advance to the second round.

Artistic Master's programme (KMA degree programmes)

  • 1st round: video submission
  • 2nd round: audition on site

Pedagogical Master's programme (PMA degree programmes)

  • 1st round: video submission
  • 2nd round: audition on site
  • Orientation interview

All candidates who pass the first round will be informed about their admission/non-admission to the second round two weeks after the registration deadline.

Applicants for an pedagogical master programme (PMA) must write a letter of motivation after passing the first round, which is the basis for the orientation interview. You will receive more information about the letter of motivation via email after passing the first round.

The entrance examination commission will rank the candidates after they have passed both rounds.

This ranking is the basis for the final admission according to the number of available places. The available places will be allocated according to this ranking. In addition, a waiting list will be created.

Places awarded must be taken up by 1st of September by submitting the signed study contract and transferring the tuition fees for the first semester. If this does not happen, these study places will become available and will be awarded to those on the waiting list, also in accordance with the ranking.

Orientation interviews

For PMA programs, an orientation interview is also required. This is conducted online via Webex and lasts about 45 minutes within the time frame given below, with the option of individual counseling afterwards. You will receive the link to the meeting and the specific time frame via email from the Student Services shortly after registration.

PMA questionnaire



  • You can find all information about the specialization - from offer to completion - here.
  • You can register directly for the specialization here.
  • The admission requirements for the individual minors can be found at the bottom of this page in the drop-down menus under the name of the respective institute.

Artistic Presentation

Artistic Presentation

You can find the deadlines and dates for registration and the individual rounds in the menu under Important Dates.

Information on the artistic criteria can be found at the bottom of the drop-down menu for the respective institute.

How the entrance exam is structured

1st round

  • Register by the registration deadline via online registration.
  • After registering, you will receive an invitation to the artistic entrance exam via e-mail.
  • Important: This e-mail contains a link that you can use to upload your artistic presentation at any time!
  • Upload your artistic presentation (Bachelor, Master) as a video

Your video must meet the following formal criteria:

  • You must upload your videos no later than by the date stated in our e-mail confirmation of your application (a few days after the application deadline)
  • Permitted formats: MP4 or MOV
  • Alternatively, you can upload a PDF with links (soundcloud, vimeo, youtube, etc.) that the selection committee can use to view your video
  • Duration per video: max. 5 minutes
  • Video size: max. 500 MB
  • Number of videos submitted: max. 2

Important: Only videos that meet these criteria can be considered in the selection process.

2nd round

The selection committee will use the submitted videos to decide whether to admit candidates to the second round. All candidates in the first round will be notified in writing of their admission/non-admission to the second round two weeks after the registration deadline.

Theory Exam & Piano Supplementary Subject Exam

Theory Exam & Piano Supplementary Subject Exam

Theory Exam

For admission to a bachelor's degree in music (KBA + PBA), a positive completion of the theory exam is mandatory in the third round of the entrance exam.

Candidates are required to demonstrate a solid grasp of GENERAL music theory and ELEMENTARY EAR TRAINING (e.g. recognizing major and minor triads and their inversions, writing down simple melody and rhythm dictations, completing musical phrases, performing simple sight-singing tasks, etc.). For the JIM institute, a modified theory exam with a different content weighting must be taken.

Recommended Learning Materials

  • Ziegenrücker: Allgemeine Musiklehre
  • Bloch: allgemeine Musikkunde
  • dtv-Atlas zur Musik, Bd. 1
  • Kühn: Gehörbildung im Selbstunterricht


You can find the current dates for the theory exams here.

Information on possible validation of prior learning can be found here.

Piano Supplementary Subject Exam

After passing the artistic audition, candidates for Bachelor's programmes in the pedagogical field (PBA degree programmes) and for Bachelor's programmes in jazz in the artistic field (KBA) must pass the piano supplementary subject exam in the third round in addition to the theory exam. This serves as proof of basic knowledge of the piano and is mandatory.


The piano supplementary subject exam is not required

  • for applicants for PBA degree programmes who have chosen Piano, Organ, Harpsichord, Accordion, Styrian Harmonica or Guitar as their central artistic subject.
  • for applicants for the PBA Elemental Music Education.
  • in the area of Jazz for applicants for the KBA JIM Piano and KBA JIM Guitar.


For the piano supplementary subject exam, the following must be prepared:

  1. A performance piece equivalent in difficulty to:
    • J.S. Bach: Little Preludes
    • J. Haydn: Early Sonatas Hob.: XVll
    • R. Schumann: Album for the Young from No. 9
    • B. Bartok: Mikrokosmos III
  2. Cadences (I-IV-V-I) in all major and minor keys or prepared accompaniment of a song with transposition in 4 keys

For the supplementary subject piano for Jazz and Improvised Music, the following must be prepared:

  1. A simple piece from the jazz/pop repertoire (e.g. blues, simple standard, pop song – also possible as an accompaniment) OR a classical performance piece equivalent in difficulty to:
    • J.S. Bach: Little Preludes
    • J. Haydn: Early Sonatas Hob.: XVll
    • R. Schumann: Album for the Young from No. 9
    • B. Bartok: Mikrokosmos III
  2. Jazz Cadence (II-V-I connections) in major, all keys, at least 3-part (i.e. root note & function tones)

The current dates for the piano supplementary subject exam can be found here.

Information on possible validation of prior learning can be found here.

The information above provides an overview of the admission procedure for Bachelor's and Master's programmes and for the minor that must be completed in the Bachelor's programme starting in the third semester. You can also find out more about the admission steps Artistic Presentation, Theory Exam and Piano Supplementary Subject Exam.

The artistic criteria for your admission can be found in the drop-down menus under the name of the institute to which you are applying.

The deadlines for online registration and video upload, as well as the dates for on-site auditions, can be found in the menu item Important Dates.

Apply now

[Translate to English:] Reza Rasouli

You can find all information about the entrance exams and auditions for the Pre-College here

Artistic Presentation (Bachelor, Master, Certificate Programme)

1st round: video submission

  • Artistic criteria: at least two movements in different styles and tempi, with or without accompaniment
  • Formal criteria that the video must meet can be found here
  • The upload deadline can be found here

2nd round: audition on site

Artistic Presentation (Bachelor, Master, Certificate Programme)

1st round: video submission

  • Artistic criteria:
    • 2-3 pieces of music that correspond to the candidate's current level of training.
    • The pieces do not have to be played in their entirety.
    • The individual pieces must be recorded uncut and without piano accompaniment.
  • Formal criteria that the video must meet can be found here
  • The upload deadline can be found here

2nd round: audition on site

Artistic Presentation (Bachelor, Master, Certificate Programme)

1st round: video submission

  • Artistic criteria: After registering online, you will receive – in addition to the automated e-mail with a personalized link to upload your own artistic performance – an extra e-mail from the study services with PDF instructions for the performance to be uploaded (assignment for an improvisation in the area of music-movement-voice).
  • Formal criteria that the video must meet can be found here
    Please note the following deviation for this institution:
    • upload only one video
    • Video duration: max. 3 minutes
  • The upload deadline can be found here

The first round (video) is omitted from the EMP master's audition.

2nd round: audition on site

  • Voice examination
  • Participation in a guided seminar unit (movement, rhythmic exercises, vowels, instrumental improvisation and design)
  • The admission part for instrument or voice takes place as a performance on site at the admission date (2nd round) of the respective institute. For details, please refer to the data on the page of the respective institute.

Admission requirements can be downloaded here:

Artistic Presentation (Bachelor, Master, Certificate Programme)

1st round: video submission

  • Artistic criteria: 2 pieces (1 aria + 1 song), of which at least 1 piece must be in German
  • Formal criteria that the video must meet can be found here
    Please note the following deviation for this institution:
    • The videos must not be edited or cut and must not be older than 2 months.
    • Maximum upload size: 1 GB
  • The upload deadline can be found here

2nd round: audition on site

Artistic Presentation (Bachelor, Master, Certificate Programme)

1st round: video submission

  • Artistic criteria:
    • At least 2 pieces from two different stylistic periods
    • At least 1 slow and 1 fast movement
    • The works do not have to be played in their entirety.
    • The individual pieces must be recorded uncut and without piano accompaniment.
  • Formal criteria that the video must meet can be found here
  • The upload deadline can be found here

2nd round: audition on site

Artistic Presentation (Bachelor, Master)

1st round: video submission

  • Artistic criteria Bachelor
    • 2 to 5 pieces in an uncut “live” version.
    • Stylistically, there are no guidelines
    • It can also be “standards”
    • Original compositions are welcome, but not required
    • At least one of the pieces should be played with an ensemble (duo / trio is also valid).
    • Individuality & creativity are primarily important
    • Basic skills on the instrument, jazz-related improvisation, melody formation, rhythmic responsiveness and sense of form must be clearly recognizable.
    • A short self-introduction and a description of your motivation in German or English (why you want to study at JIM, what your expectations of the programme are) must be included in the video. The question of whether you would move to Linz if admitted must also be answered.
  • Artistic criteria Master
    • The video should include a short self-presentation (documentation/presentation of musical abilities on the instrument)
    • and a short presentation of the concept of the planned master's thesis.
    • The topic of the master's thesis should be communicated to other students during their studies at the institute through ensembles or workshops.
    • If possible, ideas for this should also be presented.
  • Formal criteria that the video must meet can be found here
  • The upload deadline can be found here

2nd round: audition on site


The music school Puchenau offers a preparation course for the theory exam. This is specifically designed for those interested in studying at the Institute for Jazz and Improvised Music.

Contact: auditionclasstyrmusikschulepuchenaurat

Artistic Presentation (Bachelor, Master, Certificate Programme)

1st round: video submission

  • Artistic criteria: see documents below
  • Formal criteria that the video must meet can be found here
    Please note the following deviation for this institute:
    • For Composition, upload 2-5 sound files (in MP3 format) or PDF files.
    • For Conducting, upload a maximum of 2 videos.
    • Maximum duration per video/audio file: 10 minutes
  • The upload deadline can be found here

2nd round: audition on site

Artistic Presentation (Bachelor, Master)

1st round: video submission

  • Artistic criteria strings (double bass, violoncello, viola, violin) BA & MA:
    • A brief personal introduction
    • A total of at least 2 movements from two works contrasting in style and tempo, one of which is from the Baroque or Classical period (excerpts possible)
    • The entire admission is to be recorded without piano accompaniment
  • Artistic criteria plucked instruments (dulcimer, harp, guitar, zither) BA & MA:
    • A brief personal introduction
    • A total of at least 2 movements from two works contrasting in style and tempo, one of which is from the Baroque or Classical period (excerpts possible), maximum playing time 10 minutes
    • For details see this document
  • Artistic criteria Styrian Harmonica PBA
    • Short oral presentation of yourself and why you want to complete the programme
    • At least one folk music solo piece (waltz, polka, boarischer or march)
    • At least one traditional piece (chorale, yodel, melody or song)
    • The pieces do not have to be played in their entirety
  • Artistic criteria Styrian Harmonica PMA
    • Short oral presentation of yourself and why you want to complete the programme
    • A folk music solo piece (waltz, polka, boarischer or march) at the level of difficulty of A.Schmid: “Auf ein Wiedersehen!”; A.Eßl: “Dostan Polka”; K.Baschinger: “Das Maurerklavier”; A.Maurer: “Im Eilschritt nach Sankt Peter”
    • A piece of music (chorale, yodel, melody or song) of a difficulty level similar to: J.Pommer: “Jodler Nr.372”; G.Gruber: “Dem Himmel sei Dank”; W.H.Monk: “Abide with me”; J.S.Bach - from the hymnbook by G. C.Schemelli: “Der lieben Sonne Licht und Pracht”; F.Schubert - from the German Mass: “Sanctus”; W.A.Mozart: “Ave Verum Corpus”; M.Reger: “Acht Marienlieder”
  • Formal criteria that the video must meet can be found here
  • The upload deadline can be found here

2nd round: audition on site

Artistic Presentation (Bachelor, Master)

1st round: video submission

  • Artistic criteria:
    • 2-4 pieces of music from different eras and of different characters that correspond to the candidate's current level of training.
    • The pieces do not have to be played in their entirety.
    • The individual pieces must be recorded uncut.
  • Formal criteria that the video must meet can be found here
  • The upload deadline can be found here

2nd round: audition on site