
Erasmus+ is the EU programme for the advancement of education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Priorities of the 2021-2027 programme are:

  • social inclusion,
  • the green and digital transformation, and
  • promoting young people's participation in democratic life.

Erasmus+ supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, the Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda. The programme also supports the European Pillar of Social Rights, implements the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, and develops the European dimension insport.

In the course of the launch of the new Erasmus+ programme generation, Anton Bruckner Private University was once again awarded the Erasmus Charter in 2021.

The new EU programme focuses on the promotion of inclusion, green mobility and transnational cooperation as well as the exchange of best practice in the field of education and youth. In the field of education, the Erasmus+ programme promotes stays abroad (student mobility, traineeships for students and graduates, staff mobility) within Europe. Cross-border cooperation, e.g. in the form of projects in the European higher education sector, also plays an important role.

Participating higher educational institutions in the Erasmus+ programme can establish partnership agreements (Inter Institutional Agreements). These IIAs constitute the foundation for all exchanges. Mobilities are possible in the EU Member States (except Austria as sending country), as well as Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Northern Macedonia, Turkey and Serbia.

In Austria, Erasmus+ is managed by the OeAD. OeAD-GmbH is the Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research.

The aims of Erasmus+

  • fostering the mobility of students, teachers, graduates and other members of higher education institutions
  • bringing European higher education institutionstogether and further increasing the involvement of the European Higher Education Area
  • improving the transparency and compatibility of higher education qualifications and degrees obtained in Europe
  • increasing the employability of university graduates
  • promotion of foreign language learning and intercultural European awareness
  • strengthening the contribution of higher education institutions to innovation in education

Erasmus+ Structure

The Erasmus+ programme is structured in three Key Actions:

  • Key Action 1 - Learning Mobility of Individuals: The focus is on the mobility of learners, teachers, staff, young people and professionals in the fields of education and youth. This is to achieve a positive and sustainable impact for the participants and the participating organizations. Mobility projects can be submitted by organisations based in the field of education and youth.
  • Key Action 2 - Cooperation between organisations and institutions: Support is given to projects on cooperation between organisations. These are aimed at exchanging good practices, using new technologies, developing innovative teaching and learning methods, supporting non-formal learning and developing common tools and activities at local, regional, national or European level.
  • Key Action 3 - Support to policy development and policy cooperation: Support will be given to policy cooperation and activities to develop new policies that can lead to modernisation and reform in the fields of education and youth.

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