Quality Management
Obviously, as a university it is our most fundamental belief that we are a learning organisation. It is at the core of what we do, to strive for a holistic process of continuous improvement, for the benefit of our students and university members; and, at the same time, it is the foundation of our international reach while being firmly rooted in our community, in Upper Austria.
So what we do is not so much an accountant’s job, only registering the high quality in teaching, performance, or research but, rather, a proactive, integrated approach to quality management as a process of continuous development. Our guiding principle is the idea of critical self-reflection: a continuous process of challenging our own concept of excellence, which we then aim to translate into an effective use of resources, a rigorous analysis of our strengths and the opportunities for further growth.
Our Department of Quality Management, then, is a catalyst; a hub that inspires excellence in teaching and research, and continuous improvement of how we live and work as a university, across all areas.
We warmly welcome suggestions and ideas, questions and criticism alike – simply find us via qualitytyrbrucknerunirat.

Some of our objectives
- Quality assurance and management, and institutional advancement, across all areas
- Helping the university meet external criteria for quality education, e.g., in re-/accreditation procedures
- Broker between faculty, students, and administration, committees and interest groups, to inspire university-wide progress and institutional advancement
- Encourage diversity and inclusion as the foundation of a university’s plurality of approaches to, and methods in the arts and research
Some of our activities
- Continuous development of tools and processes that assure and develop quality
- Internal quality assurance, e.g., via institute evaluations and questionnaires focusing on student satisfaction
- Documentation of work protocols, and enhancement of organisational performance
- Coordinate the university’s suggestion scheme (Vorschlagswesen)
- Institutional lead for university didactics, Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (Performing Arts), and support onboarding and tenure applications inc. higher doctorates, Habilitation
- Investigate charges of academic malpractice in final theses
- Actively offer accommodations and act as institutional coordinator for those differently abled (Beauftragter für Menschen mit Behinderung)
- Executive to the university Quality Team
- Project lead for new university output management system, b-doc