Bruckner Alumni Network
Dear Alumna, dear Alumnus!
Maintaining a lasting connection with our graduates is important to us! The services offered by the Bruckner Alumni Network support professional exchange and further education opportunities, provide information and news, and help establish and maintain contacts.
We look forward to staying in touch with you!
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To stay well informed and receive our newsletter, keep your contact details up to date!
The Bruckner Alumni Network was launched in 2016 by Univ.Prof. Josef Eidenberger and unites students, graduates and university members of the Anton Bruckner Private University and its predecessor, the Bruckner Conservatory. The Bruckner Alumni Network offers support for professional exchange and further education opportunities, provides information and news, and helps to establish and maintain contacts.
The Board of the Bruckner Alumni Network is composed of graduates and (former) employees of the ABPU.
At the General Assembly on April 18, 2023, the Board was re-elected:
The Board members are:
- Prof. Dr. Helmut Rogl, Chairman
- Philipp Haider, MA, Deputy Chairman
- Irene Pechböck-Pilz, MA, Treasurer
- Josef Fuchsluger, Deputy Treasurer
- Ao. Univ.Prof. a.D. Alfred Melichar, Secretary
- Mag. Simone Lindinger, MA, Deputy Secretary
Dean Wilfried Brandstötter is delegated as a member of the board by the Executive Management Board.
Bruckner Alumni Sponsorship Award
The Bruckner Alumni Sponsorship Award is given annually to two alumni, each receiving €1000.
The prize is awarded to graduates of the Anton Bruckner Private University. Applications are open to graduates of the Anton Bruckner Private University who have completed their MA (or BA in Drama) with “excellent” or “very good success” within the last three academic years (academic years 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24).
"As artists, we depend on a strong personal network in many professional situations, regardless of which career path we take. We can fall back on this network throughout our artistic lives for advice and support, for artistic collaborations, but also for help with our own professional advancement.
I warmly invite everyone not only to join this network, but also to make an active contribution by giving and taking."
Martin Rummel, President

"After completing my studies, I always enjoyed keeping in touch with my musical alma mater, so I am all the more pleased that, as chairman, I can contribute a great deal to helping students and graduates benefit from the network.
The Alumni Network is an asset for all of us – contribute your talents, contacts and ideas!"
Helmut Rogl, Composer and chairman

Alumni in the spotlight
- At performances in the fields of music, drama and dance, as well as at scholarly events at the Anton Bruckner University
- As guests of UNIsounds – the podcast of the Anton Bruckner University
- As testimonials on the website of the Anton Bruckner University
The Bruckner Alumni Network acts as a central coordination point and supports alumni, for example, with appearances at the Bruckneruni in the form of expense allowances (travel costs, accommodation) for invitations to events organised by faculty or institutes.
Are you interested in this initiative and would like to participate? Then simply contact us at alumnityrbrucknerunirat