Celebrate your graduation

The graduation ceremonies at the Anton Bruckner University Linz are the perfect opportunity to celebrate the completion of your studies - whether Bachelor, Master or Doctorate - in a festive atmosphere. After the ceremony with speeches and musical contributions, as well as the ceremonial presentation of the final certificates, the participating students have the opportunity to toast their success with family, friends and fellow students.

Date and Registration

You can only attend the graduation ceremony if you have received your degree certificate for successfully completing your studies or if you already have the official status of a graduate. If you have any questions in this regard, please contact the Student Services: studiumtyrbrucknerunirat

A fee of € 35.00 is to be paid for the administrative costs (Anton Bruckner Private University, Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1, 4040 Linz, IBAN AT51 1500 0007 1158 7410,  purpose: graduation ceremony).

If you have any questions about the graduation ceremony, please contact the Dean's Office. Your registration must be sent to dekanattyrbrucknerunirat.