The governing bodies of the Anton Bruckner Private University

The management of the Anton Bruckner Private University is based on three levels:

  • The President (as a monocratic body) and the Executive Board (as a University Committee) are responsible for the management of the university,
  • the Senate is responsible for academic matters and
  • the University Council acts as a controlling body.

Executive Board


Vice President for Research

Neuwirth, Markus

Neuwirth, Markus

Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr.

Vice President for the Arts and Teaching

Purgina, Julia

Purgina, Julia

Mag.a Mag.a BEd Univ.Prof. Musikuni Wien

Vice President for Resources

Grimberger, Markus

Grimberger, Markus


Dean of Students

Dean of Performance Studies

Brandstötter, Wilfried

Brandstötter, Wilfried

Dean of Pedagogical and Artistic-Scientific Studies

Schinnerl, Dagmar

Schinnerl, Dagmar

M.A. MSc.


Rector's Office

T. +43 732 701000 200

Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1, 4040 Linz


Auer, Birgit

Auer, Birgit

Secretarial office

Albright, Kelsey

Albright, Kelsey

Vice-Rectorate for the Arts and Teaching

T. +43 732 701000 213

Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1, 4040 Linz


Perndl, Julia Florence

Perndl, Julia Florence

Vice-Rectorate for Research

T. +43 732 701000 236

Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1, 4040 Linz


Bründl, Alexandra

Dean's Office

T. +43 732 701000 230

Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1, 4040 Linz

Secretarial office

Blaschek, Rosa

Blaschek, Rosa