FAQ & Glossary


You must pass the entrance examination and meet the respective language requirements.

For a master's programme, in addition to the entrance examination, a bachelor's degree with appropriate content from a recognised university is required.

Admission Requirements

You can register for courses via your account in bruckneronline. You can register for courses in the “Course” application. Under “All courses”, search for the course by title according to the curriculum. Click on the “Go to course registration” button (only appears during the period when registration is generally possible). Click the “Register” button.

You can see which courses you are registered for under “My courses”.

You can only register for a course if you are enrolled in at least one degree programme (see study status on the business card) and have not already passed the course (i.e. have not yet received a grade).

  • When registering for a course, you must select the degree programme with which you wish to register.
  • When registering, please pay attention to the type of degree programme. You can find help with the abbreviations here.

This depends on which Bachelor's programme you are taking. The complementary subject piano is compulsory for all artistic pedagogical Bachelor's programmes with exceptions for the area of Jazz and Imrovised Music in both the artistic and artistic pedagogical Bachelor's programmes. 

The exceptions are as follows:

  • In pedagogical bachelor's programmes: Piano is not required as a complementary subject for the subjects Elemental Music Education, Piano, Organ, Harpsichord, Accordion, Styrian Harmonica and Guitar.
  • In the field of Jazz and Improvised Music: Piano is not required as a complementary subject for the subjects Piano and Guitar.

A replacement fee of € 7 is charged for the issuance of a new BrucknerCard in the event of loss, theft or damage. You can obtain a new BrucknerCard from the Student Services upon presentation of the payment receipt.

Some courses are only offered in the winter semester or only in the summer semester. Please contact the relevant teacher. If you have any further questions, please contact the Dean's Office.

Minors expand and complement the chosen artistic and artistic-pedagogical subjects and can be chosen freely by students according to their interests. A minor enables an individual artistic and artistic-pedagogical orientation that leads to additional artistic and pedagogical qualifications. The degree programme is made more attractive for students by the option of choosing a minor subject comprising 8 ECTS credits (MA programmes) or 16 ECTS credits (BA programmes). The main subject already studied as a major artistic subject cannot be chosen at the same time as a minor, because the minor also serves to provide the broadest possible artistic or artistic pedagogical education:

Your curriculum lists the minors that you can choose (pathways). For most of them, you have to pass an entrance exam; for some, an entrance interview is required. We recommend starting the minor in the third semester to ensure that it can be completed in the regular study period. This means that an application for the minor is necessary in the second semester. Registration is possible from February 1 to March 20 via the website or via your Bruckneronline account.

Using the relevant form for your field of study. Please be sure to meet the registration deadlines


ABF = Akademie für Begabteförderung = Pre-College

KBA = Künstlerisches Bachelorstudium = Artistic Bachelor's programme

KHF = Künstlerisches Hauptfach (nur Lehramtsstudium)= Artistic major (only teacher training programme)

KMA = Künstlerisches Masterstudium = Artistic Master's programme

KSF = Künstlerisches Schwerpunktfach = Artistic specialisation

PBA = Künstlerisch-pädagogisches Bachelorstudium = (Artistic) pedagogical Bachelor's programme

PMA = Künstlerisch-pädagogisches Masterstudium = (Artistic) pedagogical Master's programme

ZKF = Zentrales künstlerisches Fach = main artistic subject

ZID = Zentraler Informatikdienst = Central IT Services

The Bruckner Alumni Network brings together students, graduates and members of the Anton Bruckner Private University and its predecessor institution, the Bruckner Conservatory. The offers support professional exchange and further education opportunities, provide information and news and help to establish and maintain contacts.

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AnTon:search is a digital catalog that allows you to search not only the physical holdings of our library, but also our electronic offerings, collections such as AKM and SLOW, and the “Phaidra” repository.

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The August Humer Master Award is presented annually by the Vice Rectorate for the Arts and Teaching for outstanding MA theses. The award is named after August Humer, a visionary pioneer of 20th-century music and a specialist in historical performance practice. His spirit of research reflects the values that the Anton Bruckner University wants to convey to its students.
Up to three scholarly theses can be awarded prizes, with one of the prizes earmarked for a thesis focusing on gender, diversity and/or inclusion. It is not possible to apply for the August Humer Award. Prizes are selected in a multi-stage process involving internal and external experts from a wide range of fields. 

The award ceremony takes place during the graduation celebration. The August Humer Master's Award replaces the Unisono Master's Award.

The valid BrucknerCard includes the following functions:

  • Classic student ID
  • Card for printing, copying and scanning. Money can be loaded onto the card at the vending machine on the ground floor and used for printing.
  • Library card
  • Access card for classrooms and practice rooms. The access right must be collected daily at a validation station.

The BrucknerCard is issued when you first register at the Student Services. The first one is free and has a starting balance of €5 for printing and copying.

The BrucknerCard is valid until the end of the re-enrolment period of the following semester. In the following semesters, you can update the date stamp yourself after re-enrolment and receipt of the automatic notification of enrolment at the card renewal machine on the ground floor (between Infologe | Haustechnik and Sonic Lab).

A replacement fee of €7 must be paid at the Finance and Accounting Office (Room 1.121, 1st floor) to have a new BrucknerCard issued in the event of loss, theft or damage. You can obtain a new BrucknerCard from the Student Services upon presentation of the payment receipt.

bruckneronline is the ABPU's information system for students and faculty. It offers a wide range of self-service functions that are available around the clock. All you need is a web browser and internet access. Please disable the pop-up blocker for bonline.bruckneruni.at in your web browser!

With bruckneronline, you can access all the information you need for your studies and courses online, such as:

  • study and tuition fee status (tuition fee)
  • course registration
  • examination results
  • printing of certificates
  • change of personal and home address
  • validation of prior learning (course crediting)

Please check your data for completeness and correctness. Please report any errors and name changes (including proof) to the Student Services.

You can request a change of teacher using the form provided, provided that you do so before the end of the registration period. The request must be signed by the previous and desired main subject teacher and the head of the institute, and then submitted to the Student Services Office.

Form Change of Teacher

Students who are enrolled at a university with which the ABPU has a university cooperation agreement and who take courses (except for course types KE, EK) at the ABPU are listed as Co-Enrolled Students and do not pay tuition fees.

Registration process:

  1. submit the completed Co-Enrolment Form and a current enrolment confirmation from the partner university to the Student Services Office
  2. Approval of registration by the Dean's Office
  3. Receipt of letter of admission
  4. Enrolment is valid for one semester

After successful enrolment, the confirmation of enrolment is available for printing in bruckneronline.

Course certificates can be printed out in bruckneronline after successful completion of the course.

Currently existing cooperation agreements with:

  • Johannes Kepler University
  • Catholic Private University
  • Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna
  • University of Art and Design Linz

Students of the ABPU:
Register at the partner university using the registration form of the respective university. A valid confirmation of enrolment must be presented.

You can find the current range of courses on offer at bruckneronline

More information on the application for the Doctoral studies

More information about the curriculum of the Doctoral studies

The ABPU is a participating organization in “eduroam” (Education Roaming). Eduroam is an initiative that enables students and employees to use the Wi-Fi infrastructure of many domestic and foreign educational institutions with the access data of their home organization.

Once you have successfully connected, the setup is complete and you can also use eduroam at any other participating organization.

Detailed instructions can be found in bruckneronline on the start page in the “User data / IT services” application (instructions for setting up eduroam).

For initial enrolment in the winter semester, the signed acceptance contract and the tuition fee must be received by 1 September. You are also required to appear in person at the Student Services Office during the general admission period.

Enrolment for the following semesters (re-registration) is done after we have received your complete tuition fees including the Austrian Student Union fee (ÖH-Beitrag). Prerequisites are a positive assessment in the main artistic subjects in the previous semester, completion of the courses in the introductory phase and receipt of payment of the complete tuition and insurance fees. If you exceed the standard period of study, you will also need to submit an extension application.

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Important: Students are responsible for adhering to deadlines. It is therefore recommended that you regularly check and note dates and deadlines.

Dates & Deadlines of the Academic Year

Fill out the template – see forms for degree completion – on your computer, have it signed by the respective main subject teacher and the head of the institute, and enclose it with your registration. 

Graduation requirements for each institute

If you decide to discontinue your studies before graduating, please send your notice of departure to studiumtyrbrucknerunirat.

Upon request, a certificate of study completion will be issued via email to students who complete a degree programme or Certificate Programme but do not graduate.

A snack bus from the Fenzl bakery stops in front of the ABPU from Monday to Thursday and offers hot and cold snacks, baked goods and drinks. The bus is usually in front of the main entrance of the ABPU between 11:05 and 11:15.

To complete your studies, you will need to write a scholarly thesis. The requirements for this vary depending on the university degree you are aiming for.

bachelor's and master's thesis

dissertation („useful documents”)

dissertation (curriculum & guidlines)

You must request a further enrolment in the examination phase if you are unable to complete your BA or MA thesis within the two possible semester repetitions. A maximum of four semesters of further enrolment in the examination phase is possible; these are for the sole purpose of writing the final thesis. ALL courses and (final) examinations must already have been completed.

The application can be made informally via email to Student Services (studiumtyrbrucknerunirat); please cc the relevant institute directorate.

If the application is made during the grace period, the grace period fee of €50 is due. 

Foreign-language applicants must demonstrate a sufficient knowledge of the German language.

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Degree programmes are completed with a Bachelor's or Master's examination, and Certificate Programmes with a final exam. You can find information about degree completion here

The degree programme ends on the day of the last exam in the degree programme (regardless of whether this is a course, the final performance or the defence).

If the degree programme is completed by the end of the post-enrolment period of 31 October in relation to the previous summer semester, it is no longer necessary to submit an application for semester repetition or re-enrolment in the examination phase.

If the course of study is completed by the end of the re-enrolment period of 31 March in relation to the previous winter semester, there is also no longer any need to apply for semester repetition or for further enrolment in the examination phase.

During this time, no lectures can be attended or completed, but only the final exams (as specified in the curricula) can be taken.

If you finish your studies by the end of the late registration period, you will not have to pay any additional tuition fees and the degree completion will formally still count as in the last semester of study.

If the last exam cannot be taken by 31 October or 31 March (usually the defence of the written thesis), the tuition fee including the re-enrolment fee must be paid. In addition, the required application (semester repetition or further enrolment in the examination phase) must be submitted.

Our university offers the following to guest students:

Guest Student Programme Artistic Subject is aimed only at people who cannot be admitted to the ABF programme (Pre-College) for reasons of age or because they live outside Upper Austria, or who cannot start a full BA or MA degree programme. 

Guest Student Programme Complementary Subjects allows everyone to attend courses of interest that are not held as individual lessons.

The introductory phase includes courses that are specifically marked in the curriculum and must be completed in the first and second semesters. It is not possible to continue your studies without these certificates.

In justified and understandable cases, a maximum of two semesters of leave of absence can be granted.

A semester of leave is not automatically granted, but only after a formal application and approval by three parties:

  • the artistic teacher of the major artistic subject
  • the head of the institute
  • the Dean's Office

The signatures of the ZKF teacher and the head of the institute must be obtained before the application is submitted to the Student Services. The application is submitted to the Student Services via email to studiumtyrbrucknerunirat. The Student Services will then take care of the approval/decision by the Dean's Office.

The ÖH fee is to be paid during a semester of leave, but the tuition fee is not. During a semester of leave, no courses can be attended or completed and no exams can be taken. 

Form for leave of absence

Form for leave of absence (IDA students)

If the application is submitted during the grace period, the grace period fee of €50 is due.

Minors expand and supplement the selected artistic and artistic-pedagogical major and can be chosen freely by students according to their interests. The minor allows for an individual artistic and artistic-pedagogical orientation that leads to additional artistic and pedagogical qualifications. The study programme is made more attractive for students by the option of choosing a minor subject comprising 8 ECTS credits (MA programmes) and 16 ECTS credits (BA programmes). The main subject already studied as a major subject cannot be chosen at the same time as a minor subject, because the minor subject also serves to provide the broadest possible artistic or artistic pedagogical education.

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The Pre-College of the Upper Austrian Music Schools (ABF) is a cooperative project of the Upper Austrian music schools and is run as a preparatory course. Its aim is to professionally prepare highly motivated and particularly talented young people aged 12 to 19 for artistic and/or pedagogical music studies.

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Students can use several practice rooms at various locations throughout the building. They are readily accessible and do not need to be reserved before use. They can be opened using your Brucknercard. We ask you to leave the practice rooms in a clean and orderly state. Eating and drinking in the rooms is forbidden. Practice rooms where no person is present are considered free, even if there is an instrument, jacket, etc. in the room.

You can register for courses via bruckneronline. You can register for courses via the “Course” application. Search for the course by title according to the curriculum under “All courses”. Click on the “Register for course” button (only appears during the period when registration is possible). Click on the “Register” button.

You can see which courses you are registered for under “My courses”. 

You can only register for a course if you are registered for at least one degree programme (see study status on the business card) and if you have not already passed the course (existing grade).

  • When registering for a course, you must select the degree programme with which you wish to register.
  • When registering, please note the type of study programme: BA = Bachelor, MA = Master, KBA = Bachelor of Arts, PBA = Bachelor of Education, KMA = Master of Arts, PMA = Master of Education, ABF = Pre-College, Guest = Guest Student Programme

Up to two semester repetitions are possible per degree programme, for which comprehensible reasons must be given (e.g. non-completion of missing courses due to illness, etc.).

A semester repetition is not automatically approved; it is only granted after a formal application and approval by three parties:

  • the artistic teacher of the major artistic subject
  • the head of the institute
  • the Dean's Office

Before submitting the application to the Student Services, the signatures of the main subject teacher and the head of the institute must be obtained. The application is to be submitted to the Student Services via email to studium@bruckneruni.at. The Student Services will then take care of the Dean's Office's approval/decision.

A semester repetition can be requested with or without the ZKF. If the artistic final performance has already been completed, a semester repetition will only be approved without the ZKF, as there is no longer any entitlement to ZKF lessons.

ALL courses and (final) examinations must be completed within the standard period of study of eight semesters for the BA and four semesters for the MA, including the maximum of two semester repetitions that have been approved upon application. The BA or MA thesis, including the public defence, is excluded from this.

See also further enrolment in the examination phase 

Form for semester repetition

Form for semester repetition (IDA students) 

If the application is submitted during the grace period, the grace period fee of €50 is due.

If you wish to complete your studies early, you can apply to have your study time shortened. If this is granted, you will formally be transferred from the semester in which you are currently enrolled to the last regular semester of your studies. Such an application will only be approved if you are about to complete all courses and examinations, including the defence of your final thesis.

The application for a reduction in the standard period of study must be approved by three parties:

  • the artistic teacher of the major artistic subject
  • the head of the institute
  • the Dean's Office

The signatures of the ZKF teacher and the head of the institute must be obtained before the application is submitted to the Student Services. The application is to be submitted to the Student Services via email to studiumtyrbrucknerunirat. The Student Services will then take care of the Dean's Office's approval/decision.

Form for shortening the period of study

Form for shortening the period of study (IDA students)

If the application is submitted during the grace period, the grace period fee of €50 is due.

This is included in the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) fee. Please report any dama ge immediately – a damage report form is available at the Legal Department or Facility Services.

Student Services

Any short-term closures of the service centre will be posted on this page.

When you first register with bruckneronline, you will receive a TAN code from Student Services that is valid for 150 days.

To redeem it, proceed as follows:

  • Open your web browser and go to https://bonline.bruckneruni.at/
  • Follow the link ‘You can enter your TAN here’ (the link is highlighted in blue in the text)
  • Enter the TAN, your matriculation number and your date of birth
  • Note down the user name (looks something like this: s12345) and choose a password

This will create your account at the ABPU. The account is necessary for bruckneronline, webmail and access.

If you lose your TAN code, please request a new one from the Student Services.


Bruckner University offers a teacher training programme in music education in close cooperation with the two teacher training colleges in Linz. Admissions to the teacher training programme for secondary education are not processed through Bruckner University, but through the LiLeS Service Centre.

LiLeS Service Centre – Linz Teacher Training for Secondary Education

The educational institutions at the Linz location in the Cluster Mitte have set up a new service centre for all new teacher training students from the winter semester 2019/20 onwards. This centre organises all steps of the admission procedure, admission to the course and the range of courses offered. The centre takes on these tasks for the JKU as the first point of admission for the Linz location.

The Service Centre is located in the University of Art building at Hauptplatz 6, 4020 Linz. You can also find information on the website at www.liles.at.

First registration

Bruckner Card (student ID), bruckneruni email address and bruckneronline account

To register at the Anton Bruckner Private University (ABPU), please come to the ABPU's Student Services after you have registered in LiLeS. Please present the following documents to the Student Services:

You will then receive the BrucknerCard and the TAN code to activate your Bruckneruni email address from the ABPU Student Services Office. From this point on, you will have access to the ABPU's online services using this login information:

The Bruckneruni email address is used for communication between the ABPU and its students. Information about course postponements or cancellations will also be communicated exclusively via the Bruckneruni email address. The email address should therefore be checked regularly.

Registering for courses at the ABPU

For all courses in the Teacher Training Programme for Music Education that take place at the Anton Bruckner Private University (ABPU), you register exclusively via the PH-Online administration programme of the Private University College of Education of the Diocese of Linz. At the end of the course registration period (end of September and end of February), the Student Services Department of the Anton Bruckner Private University transfers the registered course participants from PH-Online to bruckneronline. From this point on, the names of the registered students also appear in bruckneronline for the respective course.

You do not need to register for the artistic major in PH Online. Registration for this is done automatically by the Student Services departments of the PHDL and ABPU.

Details of all courses at the Anton Bruckner Private University can be found in the bruckneronline online system.


Registration for feedback assessment

Registration for the final exam