Complementary Subjects
The complementary ABF course programme can be attended voluntarily by all ABF students, subject to availability of places. ABF courses take place weekly at the ABPU. Registration takes place in the period 01.09. - 22.09. (ABF Aural Training) or 23.09. - 13.10. 2024 (ABF Movement, ABF Improvisation, ABF Rhythm Training) via the registration link.
Information on the current complementary subjects for the 2024/25 school year can be found here:
ABF Complementary Subjects School Year 2024/25
In addition, ABF students may participate in all events (talent podiums, masterclasses, workshops, choir and orchestra projects) at the ABPU and the OÖ Landesmusikschulwerk, subject to availability of places. Information on further supplementary subjects can be found in the ABF curriculum.

Gstöttner-Killer, Doris