Dean of Students
The Dean's Office is responsible for coordinating and ensuring the smooth running of the courses and examinations in the degree programs offered at the ABPU.
This area of responsibility includes, among other things,
- the approval of courses,
- the processing of applications for admission to an individual course of study
- leave of absence from a course of study
- annulment of assessments
- issuing certificates of completion
- setting the examination and registration dates
- ensuring the evaluation of teaching
This involves intensive cooperation with all institutes, the collegial bodies with decision-making authority and the student representation. In addition, the deans of studies are also the direct point of contact for teachers and students.
Dean of Performance Studies

Brandstötter, Wilfried
Dean of Pedagogical and Artistic-Scientific Studies

Schinnerl, Dagmar
M.A. MSc.
Secretarial office

Blaschek, Rosa