Erasmus+ Student Mobility Outgoing

Regular students of the Anton Bruckner Private University have the opportunity to study at partner institutions in the participating countries* after completing their first year of study through the Erasmus+ programme. Students not only cultivate the ability to orientate themselves in other (academic) systems and to navigate the teaching and learning methods of a foreign university, but also expand their social and intercultural competences, get to know interesting people, new languages and customs, expand their network and increase their professional prospects. Further advantages of studying abroad:

  • academic recognition at the ABPU of the academic achievements gained abroad (keyword: Learning Agreement)
  • exemption from tuition fees for the duration of the mobility, only the ÖH fee has to be paid
  • support in all phases from preparation to completion by the responsible Erasmus offices
  • special grants for students with child(ren)
  • special grants for students with disabilities
  • last but not least: the experience of a lifetime awaits!

*Although Switzerland is no longer eligible since 2014/15, it finances exchange students from its own funds with the help of the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP). For more information, see the menu item on the right. With its EU exit, the UK is not participating in the current 2021-2027 programme generation. The Erasmus Office provides information on funding opportunities upon request.


  • You are enrolled as a regular student at ABPU
  • You have completed two semesters of studies before starting your study mobility
  • You have sufficient knowledge of the national or working language of your chosen institution
  • You are planning to study abroad in a programme country that is neither Austria nor your country of residence
  • Both home and host institution have a valid Erasmus+ Charter (ECHE)

Rights and obligations of students are regulated in the Erasmus+ Student Charter.

Parraghy, Noémi Emma

Parraghy, Noémi Emma


You can submit up to 3 applications, all of which must be received by 15 March 2024 at the latest. This deadline applies to applications for the entire academic year 2024/2025 as well as for individual semesters (fall/winter semester 2024 or spring/summer semester 2025). Some institutions close their application window already before this deadline:

Be sure to note any earlier application deadlines of the universities of your choice and adhere to them!

Unfortunately, there is no standardised form for applying at the partner institutions. The ABPU, like many other European music universities, uses the online application portal EASY Mobility Online (EASY MO).

You submit your initial application via EASY MO, even if the application is received for example via another online portal, by e-mail or by post by the desired partner institution(s). Sending application documents by e-mail or post must be done through the Erasmus Office of the ABPU. Please find out about the applicable guidelines on the websites of the institutions of your choice as early as possible and contact the Erasmus Office of the Bruckner University.

You are exempt from the regular tuition fees at both the ABPU and the host institution for the duration of your study abroad. However, you are still obliged to pay the ÖH fee at the ABPU on time, as this is the prerequisite for a valid further enrolment during your stay abroad. Otherwise you risk to be exmatriculated and lose your entitlement to funding.

There are many different reasons for applying for an Erasmus mobility at a particular university: whether it's an interest in the culture and language of the host country, the reputation of the institution and its teachers, or simply breaking out of your own comfort zone: exciting and enriching experiences that you will never forget are guaranteed!

In a first step, inform the responsible Erasmus coordinator of the ABPU by e-mail about your interest in going abroad. Please use only your student e-mail address ( and state what you are studying, in which semester you currently are, in which period you would like to go abroad (academic year or semester) and whether you have already completed earlier mobilities via the Erasmus+ funding programme in the past. Start filling in the Erasmus+ Mobility Student Application Form right away and consider this form as a worksheet to help you prepare and compile your application documents.

The main subject teachers and heads of the institutes should also be informed promptly – you must also obtain their signature on the Erasmus+ Mobility Student Application Form – they can give you valuable input and recommendations as to which partner institutions they think might be particularly interesting or beneficial for you. You can apply to up to three partner institutions, so check the specific application criteria and deadlines on their websites quickly!

Documents for a complete application

  • Erasmus+ Mobility Student Application Form
  • Transcript of Records (available in the faculty office, Studienbüro)
  • CV with photo (tabular curriculum vitae; in the national language or in English)
  • Letter of motivation with date and signature, addressed to the desired lecturer(s) or to the head of the institute: description of your reasons for choosing this particular university, avoid empty phrases! (max. 1 A4 page, in the national language or in English)
  • (optional) Letter of recommendation from the main subject teacher with date and signature (for non-German-speaking countries in English)
  • (Video) recordings (usually two to three pieces of different styles are required; in the case of sound recordings or compositions, written confirmation from the main subject teacher that this is your recording or your work is also required)
  • Study Plan or preliminary Learning Agreement (see below for instructions on how to create the Learning Agreement)
  • Scan of the photo page of a valid official ID (i.e. passport)
  • Copy of your current registration form (Meldezettel)

Please fill in the Erasmus+ Mobility Student Application Form digitally (Word or purple pencil icon in PDF Reader) so that changes and ongoing additions can be made.

Only use your student e-mail address ( to register with EASY and follow the necessary steps in the EASY Student Manual.

Study stays of at least two to a maximum of twelve months per study cycle are eligible for funding.

Only the period of physical presence in the host country, in accordance with the deadlines specified by the host institution in the Acceptance Letter (received before the start of the stay) and in the Confirmation of Attendance (issued at the end of the stay), is eligible for funding.

The mobility must take place within one academic year: You can either study at a partner university for the whole academic year (both semesters), or only for one fall/winter or spring/summer semester. An extension from the summer semester to the winter semester of the following academic year is not permitted.

Studying at a foreign institution is financially supported by the EU in the form of a scholarship, the amount of which is based on the cost of living and varies depending on the destination country. The ERASMUS+ mobility grant is therefore not a full grant, but represents a subsidy to compensate for the increased costs of mobility abroad.

The Learning Agreement, which is concluded between you, the ABPU and your host institution, constitutes your personal study plan and is the core of your application.

Take a good look at the relevant study plan of your chosen institution(s) and first get an overview of your current study progress: Take your study plan and check off everything you have already completed and will have completed by the time you start your study mobility abroad. Now select from the courses that are still open and ungraded those that you would like to have credited by completing equivalent courses at the host institution, e.g. your ZKF (main artistic subject) in the respective semester. Course contents and ECTS should be as similar/equivalent as possible – deviations are of course OK, especially in the case of electives – however, it would not be permissible, for example, to have artistic subjects from the host institution credited for theoretical subjects at the ABPU.

As a guideline, for full-time studies, courses should be completed to the extent of 30 ECTS per semester (60 ECTS per academic year), whereby the absolute minimum for the mobility grant is 3 ECTS per month of mobility, otherwise there is a risk of retroactive loss of eligibility! Please also note the further information on the recognition of courses within the framework of Erasmus+.

It is essential to contact the chairperson of the Studies Commission in good time beforehand to make sure that the courses can be credited.

Regardless of the quality of the application, a place can only be obtained if the lecturers at the desired institutions have sufficient capacity. The selection result is communicated at different deadlines, depending on the receiving institution, and experience has shown that enquiries do not speed up this process.

The decision is communicated in different ways: As soon as the Erasmus Office receives a decision, you will be informed immediately by e-mail. Please also contact the Erasmus Office of the ABPU as soon as you are offered a place. If you accept, please also inform your main subject teacher and the head of the institute so that they can allocate your study place for the period of your mobility, ideally to an Erasmus+ Incoming applicant.

It is perfectly legitimate to think about an offer for a few days before confirming or cancelling, especially if you have several to choose from, but do not wait too long so that your place may be given to someone from the waiting list in case of cancellation.

Mobility through Erasmus+ or under a bilateral agreement does not include insurance cover. Students are obliged to take care of their own insurance cover and must at least have sufficient health insurance in order to be admitted to study. There are different regulations depending on the country of origin:

  • Students from European Union (EU) countries receive a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) via the respective health insurance company in their home country, which is usually located on the back of the e-card.
  • Students from non-EU countries must make their own arrangements and show proof of adequate insurance cover when enrolling at the host institution.

Your accident and liability insurance through your ÖH contribution remains valid during your mobility at the host institution. You must organise your own accident and liability insurance cover for your leisure time in the host country. Under the given circumstances, it is advisable to take out additional travel and repatriation insurance, the scope of which also covers return transport and travel cancellation costs in the context of COVID-19. The ABPU is not liable for the consequences of non-insurance or underinsurance.

Before you bid farewell to your host university, you will receive your Confirmation of Attendance and your Transcript of Records. Check everything for accuracy and completeness on site and send scans of these documents to the Erasmus Office of the ABPU immediately.

The study period abroad and the examinations taken at the partner institution must be credited to the ABPU’s faculty office within two months after the end of the Erasmus mobility, based on an evaluation by the chairperson of the Studies Commission. For this purpose, you have to submit the final version of the Learning Agreement, the complete transcript of records and the completed application for recognition of courses to the chairperson of the Studies Commission. For this purpose, please also note the information on the recognition of courses completed abroad within the framework of Erasmus+.

Last but not least, submit a narrative report about your time abroad to the Erasmus Office of the ABPU: Here you can describe what was great or could be improved at all stages of your mobility to share your experience with other students and inspire them to study abroad themselves!