Erasmus+ Student mobility incoming

Thank you for your interest in studying at the Anton Bruckner Private University within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme!
Before applying to the ABPU (Erasmus ID Code: A  LINZ17), please make sure that the following requirements are met:

  • You are currently enrolled and studying at one of our partner institutions
  • You have declared your interest in an exchange at the International Office or Erasmus Office of your home institution
  • You meet all legal requirements of the Erasmus programme
  • You are able to complete the entire mobility period (semester or academic year) at the ABPU without arriving late or leaving early
  • You submit your application in due time before the deadline.

Partner universities

Consultation hours by personal appointment. The Erasmus Office is closed in August.

Parraghy, Noémi Emma

Parraghy, Noémi Emma


Application and Deadlines

Applications can only be submitted via EASY Mobility Online: Interested students from universities that do not have a valid partnership agreement with us are kindly requested to first contact us through their International Office or Erasmus office.

The application period starts on 01 February 2024 and ends 15 April 2024. This period applies to applications for individual semesters (autumn/winter or spring/summer semester) as well as for the entire academic year 2022/2023. In the event of a large number of promising applications exceeding our capacities, preference will be given to students who have applied for the entire academic year.

  • Fall/Winter semester: 1 October – 31 January
  • Spring/Summer semester: 1 March – 30 June
  • Examination times and final performances at IDA (Institute of Dance Arts) usually take place at the beginning of February and the beginning of July respectively, the specific times will be communicated shortly before the start of the academic year
  • Welcome Days: The orientation programme for Erasmus students takes place a few days before the start of the semester (end of September/February), participation is mandatory
  • Incoming students can only apply according to the term dates of the ABPU, not according to those of the sending institution
  • For further information, e.g. concerning language requirements or our grading system, see our Fact Sheet.

  • Application form (EASY)
  • Study Plan (preliminary Learning Agreement)
  • Trancript of Records
  • Letter of motivation
  • Letter of recommendation from the main subject teacher
  • CV with photo
  • Scan of the photo page of an official photo ID (e.g. passport)
  • (Video) recordings:
    • Instrument and voice: three pieces of music or three songs/aria (at least one in German!) from different epochs relevant to the subject (duration: 15-20min). The individual pieces of music should be recorded without editing, the person should be visible in long shot.
    • Composition: a PDF with two compositions including the links to the mp3 recordings (for computer/electronic music mp3 files will suffice; for classical music only include if available) signed by the main subject teacher of the sending institution to certify the composition/recording as the original work of the applicant.
    • Dance: three video recordings of different styles - ballet (3-5min), contemporary dance technique (7-10min), improvisation (3-5min) - totalling max. 20min.
    • Drama: three video recordings - introduction (2min, German or English), monologue1 (3-5min, German, English or native language, close-up), monologue2 (3-5min, German, English or native language, wide angle - movement in space) - totalling max. 12min.
    • Certification of the recordings by the main subject teachers is required if, for example, music pieces are purely audio recordings or the person cannot be identified beyond doubt.
  • Application form and study plan, as well as recordings and links (YouTube, Vimeo or DropBox) can be filled in or uploaded directly in EASY. If certification is required, the recordings must be clearly named and their length must be indicated. The certification must be submitted together with the other application documents by the deadline.
  • Information about the courses can be found in the curricula and on bonline, the central information system for students and teachers at Anton Bruckner Private University. Further information, e.g. on the language requirements and the grading system, can be found in the Fact Sheet (PDF).
  • Instructions for completing the study plan (preliminary Learning Agreement)
    Only select coursesthat are listed in the curriculum of your degree programme. Please mind the distinction between artistic and pedagogical fields of study, as well as Bachelor's and Master's degrees. Erasmus students are automatically enrolled in the MAS 01 (Main Artistic Subject, or ZKF 01 - Zentrales Künstlerisches Fach in German) in the first semester of the first year. Please indicate the ECTS (credit points) accordingly. The specific electives offered are not fixed until shortly before the start of the semester; a placeholder (e.g. "Electives" with a realistic ECTS sum) is sufficient here.
  • It is essential to make sure in advance that the courses can be credited at your home university. The actual Learning Agreement is only created digitally after successful application and confirmation of the study place and must be signed by all - 1. student / 2. sending institution / 3. ABPU (receiving institution) - before the start of the mobility.

Complete applications received and nominated by the sending universities on time will be forwarded to the respective institutes, where the application documents will be reviewed by the directors of the institutes and the main subject teachers. In principle, it is the aim of the ABPU to make your Erasmus study stay possible, provided that the qualitative requirements are met and a study place is available.

Applicants and their sending institutions will be notified by mid-June. In case your application is successful, you will have 10 days to accept or decline the offered place. If you accept, you will receive an acceptance letter, as well as a lot of useful information to help you prepare your upcoming study exchange mobility.

Mobility under Erasmus+ or under a bilateral agreement does not include automatic insurance cover. Students are obliged to take care of their own insurance cover and must at the very least have adequate health insurance in order to be admitted to study. There are different regulations depending on the country of origin:

  • Students from European Union (EU) countries receive a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) via their regional medical health insurance provider, which is usually located on the back of the e-Card.
  • Students from non-EU countries must make their own arrangements and show proof of adequate insurance cover when enrolling at the host institution.

It is advisable to take out sufficient accident, liability, travel and repatriation insurance and, under the given circumstances, to pay attention to the scope of benefits (e.g. travel cancellation costs). The ABPU is not liable for the consequences of non-insurance or underinsurance.

  • Information about housing options in student halls of residence and shared flats in Linz will be sent upon successful application, some are listed in the ABPU housing exchange.
  • When looking for a flat share, it is also advisable to take a look at the ÖH-JKU (student council) housing exchange.

English language classes or lectures depend on the respective teacher. Erasmus Incomings who want to improve their German language skills are recommended to attend a German language course. The Erasmus Office will inform you about the specific possibilities and offers shortly before the start of the semester.

The ABPU has a partnership with the Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich (PH OÖ), which enables us to offer our Erasmus Incoming students the opportunity to take German courses run by the PH OÖ free of charge.

German courses of varying levels and intensity are offered by the Volkshochschule Linz, those, however, are subject to charge.

Before the start of your Erasmus study stay, the Student Council (StuV) will contact you and give you advice and support. If you have any questions about everyday student life at the ABPU or in Linz in general, you are welcome to contact the StuV directly:


Erasmus incoming students have to register in person at the study office. The general admission deadlines (enrolment at ABPU) for students apply, Erasmus incoming students can take care of this within the scope of the Welcome Days.

Requirements for enrolment

You are exempt from the regular tuition fees and only have to transfer the ÖH contribution (Österreichische Hochschülerschaft, insurance amount) per semester. The transfer of the ÖH contribution is a prerequisite for enrolment at the ABPU. The corresponding payment request will be sent to you at least two weeks before the start of your studies. If you are studying at the ABPU for the entire academic year, you will not receive a separate request to remind you to pay the ÖH fee again and must transfer it in time before the start of the second term.

Structure of the academic year

The academic year at the ABPU is divided into two semesters.
Examination periods may vary for dance students (IDA).


You will receive a PIN code for the use of the bruckneronline information system and your student ID at the study office. All online services can be used with one user name and password, students can get the access data in the study office.

bruckneronline ( is the central information system for students and teachers at the Anton Bruckner Private University. It is a web-based system, i.e. all you need is a web browser and broadband internet access.

Before you leave and return home, please sign out personally at the Erasmus Office and the Faculty Office (Studienbüro).

In the Erasmus Office you will receive your Confirmation of Attendance and in the Studienbüro, provided that all examination results are available, your Transcript of Records.  In case not all of your examination results are available you can request the Transcript of Records later by email. It will be sent to you within five weeks after the end of your stay the latest, but only to your Bruckneruni-student e-mail address (