Entrance Exam Drama

To be admitted to the acting program, you must take an entrance exam. This takes place in four selection rounds.

For the 1st round, you can decide whether to participate live on site or to send in an application video. From experience, we recommend participating live in the first round. All further rounds will take place live on site at the Anton Bruckner Private University.

After passing the first round, you will be invited to the second round, etc. By passing the fourth (and final) round, you have basically earned an entrance qualification for a drama degree at our university. The limited number of study places will be awarded by the examination board on the last day of the entrance exam.

We look forward to meeting you!

Dates & Deadlines

Factsheet Entrance Exam (German)

Factsheet Video Application (German)


1st round LIVE on site

First, complete the online registration.

After successful registration, you will receive a confirmation email. (The email may also contain a video upload link. If you want to complete the first round LIVE, you do not need to upload a video.)

You will receive an email a few days before the respective exam with a request to confirm your attendance and organizational information.

1st round as a video application

First, complete the online registration and note the deadline for the video upload.

Please enter the word VIDEO in the “Comments” section on the last page of the online form.

After successfully registering, you will receive a confirmation email with your personal drop-in link for uploading the application video.

Please refer to the Factsheet Video Application (German).

You will be informed via email no later than 10 days after the upload deadline whether you have been invited to the second round live. If you pass the first round, you will receive organizational information for the further rounds.

Please wait until you hear from us.

  • Welcome in the foyer: All applicants will be personally welcomed in the foyer of the Anton Bruckner Private University. This includes the opportunity to check all the contact details recorded and correct them if necessary. At this point, you are also welcome to indicate which pronouns you use and by which name you would like to be addressed.
  • First round: You present your role work/monologues to the examination board. You can decide for yourself which role you want to start with. If you need costumes or props, please bring them with you. Chairs and tables are available.
  • Second round: You present your role work/monologues to the examination board. The examining Faculty may work with you on the roles shown or your material.
  • Third round: group and small-group work. Various tasks will be set in the areas of acting, improvisation, voice and language, and movement. You do not need to prepare anything for this.
  • Fourth round: in-depth work. Further tasks in the areas of role, voice, text work, movement and improvisation. In this round, you will also present your song.

Preparation for the entrance exam

  • Please prepare 3 different dramatic performances (e.g. in the form of monologues, role work, scenes). At least one role should be chosen from classical and at least one from modern literature. For applicants who identify as disabled, the number and type of dramatic performances to be prepared can be adapted so that the entrance exam can be taken without barriers.
    • The duration of the individual contributions should not exceed five minutes.
    • You are welcome to use simple props. However, our focus will be on your acting. Tables and chairs are available.
    • What is important is your imaginative acting and your full commitment to what you want to tell, rather than a linguistically skillful performance.
    • Ask yourself, for example, what the character you are portraying wants to do in the situation presented in the text. What are their goals? What are they doing to achieve these goals? Where are they? In which specific room?
  • Please also prepare a song.
    • Please design your song to go beyond just singing, e.g. playfully, gesturally or situationally. We are particularly interested in the story you tell with the song.
    • You can sing a cappella or accompany yourself with your own instrument. A keyboard will be provided. There is also the option of singing with playback (Bluetooth is available). You can also bring a person to accompany your singing with an instrument. We are unable to provide a collaborative pianist.
  • Please bring comfortable clothing / workout clothes for the movement session and improvisations.

Passing the entrance exam is a necessary requirement for admission to the programme.