FAQ Entrance Exams
At the moment, no.
No problem. Just send us a short message to: schauspieltyrbrucknerunirat. If you decide to apply via video, please make sure that the video submission deadline has not yet passed.
Please contact our students from the 1st year.
They will try to provide free sleeping places.
This information can be found here.
The Anton Bruckner Private University is committed to preventing discrimination and unequal treatment. If you feel discriminated against or treated unequally in any situation, you can turn to the student contact persons, who will be introduced to you at the beginning of the exam. They will listen to you confidentially and support you as the situation requires.
You also have the option of contacting the Arbeitskreis für Gleichhandlungsfragen (AKG). This is a contact and advice center that is actively committed to an appreciative, respectful and discrimination-free working environment at the university.
Maria Weinert
Tel. + 43 (0)732/701000-377
Acting talent, scenic imagination and a love of storytelling, commitment and teamwork, energy and reflection, interest in social and societal processes