
The courses offered by the Anton Bruckner University include artistic and artistic-pedagogical studies in the classical instrumental subjects and in singing, early music, jazz, improvised music, computer music and composition, as well as elementary music education and music mediation.


The Institute of Drama offers a comprehensive, methodically sound education for a career in acting in German-language theatre. High-performing artistic personalities are supported in their individual development and equipped with the necessary tools for their profession.


The training at the Institute for Dance Arts (IDA) is as dynamic and diverse as the contemporary dance scene. A dedicated team of internationally renowned teachers teaches students classical ballet, contemporary dance techniques, artistic diversity and reflective skills.


“Atlas of Smooth Spaces” and “Pop Prints” at the Research Forum

Two poster presentations by Hazal Akyaz at the annual meeting of the ÖGM


Anton Bruckner Private University

Virtual Tour


Monday/24/March  - 15:00

Kaleidoskop Tuba | Klasse Wilfried Brandstötter

Monday/24/March  - 19:00

Kaleidoskop Gesang | Klasse Marian Pop

Tuesday/25/March  - 17:30

Schauspiel: Präsentation Lieder des 2. Jahrgangs | Koordination Elisabeth Mayer

Tuesday/25/March  - 19:30

Institutskonzert ALT "Happy birthday, Johann Sebastian!" | Koordination Elisabeth Wiesbauer & Emma Black

Wednesday/26/March  - 14:00

Lecture mit Daisy Press "Your body is a gigantic ear" | Koordination Hannes Löschel

Wednesday/26/March  - 19:00

Vortrag "Mein Körper - Mein Instrument: Atmung" mit Johann Leutgeb