Find the right course of study for your talents!
As a university of the arts specialising in music, drama and dance, we offer a wide range of courses to help you realise your potential on an artistic, scientific and pedagogical level, together with around 850 students from over 50 nations.

“Atlas of Smooth Spaces” and “Pop Prints” at the Research Forum

Two poster presentations by Hazal Akyaz at the annual meeting of the ÖGM
Anton Bruckner Private University

Monday/24/March - 15:00
Kaleidoskop Tuba | Klasse Wilfried Brandstötter

Monday/24/March - 19:00
Kaleidoskop Gesang | Klasse Marian Pop
Tuesday/25/March - 17:30
Schauspiel: Präsentation Lieder des 2. Jahrgangs | Koordination Elisabeth Mayer
Tuesday/25/March - 19:30
Institutskonzert ALT "Happy birthday, Johann Sebastian!" | Koordination Elisabeth Wiesbauer & Emma Black
Wednesday/26/March - 14:00
Lecture mit Daisy Press "Your body is a gigantic ear" | Koordination Hannes Löschel
Wednesday/26/March - 19:00