The program offered by the Institute of Voice and Music Theatre is unique in the university landscape of Central Europe. Numerous studio productions and close cooperation with Upper Austrian cultural institutions and festivals promote stage practice and enable students to make a smooth transition from their studies to their careers. The program takes an open approach to all genres, from the requirements of baroque oratorio literature to the repertoire of contemporary music theatre.

Baehr, Guido
Singing and didactics of singing

Beranova, Katerina
ZKF Gesang (Sopran)

Charpentier-Leroy, Marie

Donose, Ruxandra
ZKF Gesang (Mezzosopran)

Hennemann, Sigurd

Holzer, Robert
Institutsdirektor für Gesang und Musiktheater / ZKF Oper / Oratorium / Lied

Kaimbacher, Alexander
ZKF Gesang (Tenor)

Kaltenböck, Stefan
Kinder- und Jugendchorleitung

Kerbl, Thomas
ZKF Oper / Oratorium / Lied

Mancini, Elena
Italienische Phonetik

Manz, Christiane
Yoga, Contact Improvisation, Didaktik Bewegung, Körperarbeit, Atemschulung

Mitterbauer, Sigrid

Pawlik, Peter
Dramatischer Unterricht

Pop, Marian
ZKF Gesang (Bariton)

Schuschan, Sandra