At the Institute of String Instruments, an international, highly qualified team of teachers provides a broad range of instrumental training. The courses on offer span from research into instrumental fundamentals and pedagogical aspects of instrumental tuition to the highest artistic level. Numerous cooperation projects and performance opportunities offer students not only practical experience but also valuable networking opportunities. 

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Artistic Bachelor’s Programme (KBA)

Artistic Bachelor’s Programme (KBA)

Violin, viola, violoncello, double bass, harp, guitar, dulcimer, zither

8 semesters / 240 ECTS / Bachelor of Arts (BA)

The artistic Bachelor’s programme (KBA) serves to provide qualified artistic and artistic-scholarly professional training. It is intended to create the basis for independent and self-reliant work as an artist and to contribute to the development and exploration of the arts through critical examination of artistic and artistic-scholarly topics. The Bachelor's programmes offer an optimal link between artistic and academic fields of work. The minor (Studienschwerpunkt), selected from a wide range of subjects, imparts specific artistic skills in addition to the foundational competencies. For the professional application of the skills acquired, there are job opportunities in the private sector, particularly in art and cultural mediation (e.g. theater, concert and radio orchestras) as a freelance musician and in the field of new media.

Pedagogical Bachelor’s Programme (PBA)

Pedagogical Bachelor’s Programme (PBA)

Violin, viola, violoncello, double bass, harp, guitar, dulcimer, zither, Styrian harmonica

8 semesters / 240 ECTS / Bachelor of Arts (BA)

The pedagogical Bachelor’s programme (PBA) provides students with a qualified artistic-pedagogical professional education. The degree program is intended to create the foundation for responsible, independent artistic-pedagogical work and to contribute to the development and exploration of the arts through critical examination of artistic and artistic-scholarly issues. It is characterized by the critical examination of artistic and pedagogical issues and offers an ideal combination of artistic, pedagogical and academic fields of work. In addition, from the third semester onwards, students can specialize in one of a wide range of subjects. This focus is designed to foster students' individual artistic development.

Professional Fields

Possible professional fields for graduates include public and private educational institutions such as music schools, tertiary educational institutions as well as working in community music and as freelance music teachers. The core study area, chosen from a wide range of options, imparts specific teaching and artistic skills in addition to the basic competencies. The acquired skills can also be applied professionally in the private sector, particularly in art and cultural mediation and in the field of new media. Upon completion of the Bachelor's programme, students are qualified to teach.

Artistic Master's Programme (KMA)

Artistic Master's Programme (KMA)

Violin, viola, violoncello, double bass, harp, guitar

4 semesters / 120 ECTS / Master of Arts (MA)

The artistic Master’s programme (KMA) deepens the skills acquired in the bachelor programme with the aim of providing specialized artistic training. It qualifies graduates to work as independent musicians. The critical examination of artistic and artistic-scholarly issues during the course of study contributes to the development and appreciation of the arts. The Master’s programme adds to the qualifications acquired in the bachelor programme by expanding the students' knowledge in a chosen minor, in addition to deepening their skills and proficiency.

Professional fields

The professional qualifications acquired in the Bachelor’s programme are strengthened according to individual student needs. Possible career settings include opera, concert and radio orchestras, opera houses, state and city theatres, big bands and chamber music ensembles, Early and New Music ensembles, freelance work, as well as organizational and management work.

Orchestra Academy (KMA)

Orchestra Academy (KMA)

4 semesters / 120 ECTS / Master of Arts (MA)

Students who have already completed a Bachelor’s programme or have demonstrated adequate artistic achievement will have the opportunity to prepare for working in an orchestra and orchestral auditions by taking part in a four-semester postgraduate course.

The aim of the Master’s programme “Orchestra Academy” is to provide young musicians with musical guidance during the transition from their studies to their first professional engagements. The programme gives young artists the opportunity to get familiarized with the day-to-day orchestral operations and the demands that professional musicians face. The young musicians are supported by the orchestra through a tutoring program. Experienced colleagues will be on hand as tutors to support students with advice and practical help.

In collaboration with renowned orchestras — in particular the Bruckner Orchestra Linz — students of the Orchestra Academy are provided with trainee positions within the orchestral framework of the respective orchestra. Applications for admission of training positions in other orchestras are to be decided by the entrance exams commission.

Admission Criteria

  • Completed bachelor's degree or equivalent or proof of the highest level of artistic qualification
  • An audition conducted by the orchestra in question, at which the academy position is awarded
  • An audition commission from the Anton Bruckner University will determine whether the requirements have been met.

Pedagogical Master’s Programme (PMA)

Pedagogical Master’s Programme (PMA)

Violin, viola, violoncello, double bass, harp, guitar, dulcimer, zither, Styrian harmonica

4 semesters / 120 ECTS / Master of Arts (MA)

The pedagogical Master’s programme (PMA) serves to provide highly qualified artistic-pedagogical professional training, particularly in the further development of vocal and/or instrumental ability and artistic-pedagogical and scholarly terms. The critical examination of pedagogical, artistic and artistic-scholarly issues during the course of study contributes to the development and appreciation of the arts. The Master’s programme expands on qualifications acquired in the Bachelor’s programme by broadening a students' knowledge in their chosen focus of study, as well as by deepening their skills and proficiency.

Professional fields

Possible professional fields for graduates include public and private educational institutions such as music schools, tertiary educational institutions, areas of integrative/inclusive education, work in community music and as freelance music teachers. This degree program develops skills in both teaching and artistic instruction. The skills acquired can also be applied professionally in the private sector, particularly in art and cultural mediation and in the field of new media. Upon completion of the Bachelor's programme, students are already qualified to teach; the Master's programme builds on this, furthering artistic and pedagogical knowledge and allows students to focus on a specific subject area.


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Institute of String Instruments

about the institute