AKM Sheet Music Archive
‘Printed sheet music bears witness to the history of Austrian music. The sheet music holdings of AKM, dating back to the time of its foundation in 1897, probably document this history quite seamlessly.’
Former AKM President Prof Robert Opratko at the handover
The AKM (the collecting society ‘Authors, Composers and Music Publishers’) was founded in 1897 and was thus the first representative society for artists. It collected the copies of the music whose composers, lyricists or publishers it represented in copyright matters. This has resulted in an extensive archive that documents compositions from the 19th and especially the 20th century, with a focus on Austria. The latest pieces illuminate the musical development in today's Austria until about 1980. This collection is thus a kind of ‘treasure trove’ of Austrian (and, beyond that, European) music history.
In 2014, AKM transferred the collection to the ABPU with the aim of cataloguing it and making it accessible, subject to copyright restrictions.
This collection of approximately 50,000 sheet music editions is continuously being catalogued and can be searched in the library search engine AnTon:search by selecting the search area ‘AKM Sheet Music Archive’.
If you wish to use our AKM holdings for research purposes, please contact us in good time before your visit.

SLOW – Collection of Linz orchestral works
The Collection of Linz Orchestral Works (SLOW - Sammlung Linzer Orchesterwerke) is the stock of orchestral works from the Linz City Library that is on permanent loan to the library of the Anton Bruckner Private University.
SLOW contains over 5,000 orchestral materials from the 17th to the 20th centuries.
The orchestral materials can be searched for using the library search engine AnTon:search by selecting the search area ‘SLOW’ and can be borrowed on request.

University Library Opening Hours
Mon - Thu: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
Fri: 09:00 am - 02:30 pm
Closed on public holidays
Opening hours during the Easter vacations (April 14th - April 25th):
Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 02:30 pm
closed on April 18 (Good Friday)
Library catalog of the Anton Bruckner Private University