
  • A reading lounge and two reading rooms with individual workspaces provide an atmosphere in which you can study undisturbed.
  • The library presents the majority of its holdings in an open-shelves area, arranged by topic (classification system).
  • Copying, scanning, printing: a scanner is available near the circulation desk for free and gentle scanning. Scanning and printing with the Brucknercard is possible at the photocopiers!
  • Binding service: the library offers a binding service for bachelor's and master's theses within 24 hours! The thesis must be printed out at the desired number and handed in at the library.

„When in doubt, go to the library.” – J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

The ABPU Library is open to the public.

ABPU members only need their Brucknercard to register.

Users of our partner libraries (Upper Austrian State Library, Diocesan and University Library of the Catholic Private University) need, in addition to their library card, an annual confirmation from their respective main library in order to be able to use the ABPU Library free of charge.

All other users must register at the information/lending desk with an official photo ID (annual fee). For a faster registration, you can fill in and print out the registration form for external library users in advance.

Offers for groups and individuals:

  • Guided tour of the library
  • Using the library search engine
  • Introduction to the digital library
  • Music research

Please contact the library to arrange an appointment.

  • Loan periods:
    • Sheet music – 2 months / 2 renewals
    • Books – 4 weeks / 2 renewals
    • CDs, DVDs – 14 days / 2 renewals
  • Number of items that can be borrowed at the same time: 20
  • Ordering items from the stacks: Items marked as being in the stacks must be requested via the library search engine.
  • Renewals: Users can renew items that are not overdue twice via their user account. A third renewal is possible via phone or email.
  • Theses: When writing theses, special arrangements can be made for the number of borrowable items and the loan period. Please contact the library staff for this.
  • An overview of fees can be found here.

As a service-oriented library, we are constantly trying to improve. We therefore welcome your feedback!

University Library Opening Hours

Mon - Thu: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
Fri: 09:00 am - 02:30 pm
Closed on public holidays

Opening hours during the Easter vacations (April 14th - April 25th):

Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 02:30 pm

closed on April 18 (Good Friday)


Library catalog of the Anton Bruckner Private University