Open Access

The Anton Bruckner Private University promotes and supports free and open access to scientific and artistic knowledge and has adopted an open access policy (link to PDF - see below in the section). The library offers corresponding services.
ABPU members can publish in open access in the institutional repository ‘Phaidra’. For publications that are published in Phaidra, the library can, on request and under certain conditions, assign DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers). These unique and permanent links ensure that publications can be cited.
Contact: open-accesstyrbrucknerunirat
Repository „Phaidra“

Phaidra is the institutional repository of the ABPU. It offers members of the university the possibility of electronic publication and long-term availability of scientific and artistic-scientific research results, publications, digitised media and theses.
If access to an object is restricted to university members, registration with the Bruckneronline account is required. By clicking on the grey login button in the menu bar, ABPU students and staff can log in.
Contact: phaidratyrbrucknerunirat
Phaidra - search the repository
Digital master's theses (as of Jan 2019)
Digital bachelor's theses (as of Jan 2019)
University Library Opening Hours
Mon - Thu: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
Fri: 09:00 am - 02:30 pm
Closed on public holidays
Opening hours during the Easter vacations (April 14th - April 25th):
Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 02:30 pm
closed on April 18 (Good Friday)
Library catalog of the Anton Bruckner Private University