DO 11.04.2024 | 19:30 Uhr | Sonic Lab ABPU
Eintritt frei | Programmänderungen vorbehalten.

Koordination: Volkmar Klien

Daniel Teruggi (2004) Spaces of Mind
fixed media electronics
Daniel Teruggi (2021) Unsoundables fixed media electronics
Daniel Teruggi (2022)
Punctus Spatio fixed media electronics

Daniel Teruggi studied physics, composition and piano in Argentina, his native country. In 1977, he moved to France where he studied at the Paris National Conservatory. In 1981, he started working at INA (Institut national de l’audiovisuel), as part of the GRM (Groupe de Recherches Musicales). In 1997 he become director of the GRM and kept this position until his retirement in 2017. From October 2001 to 2016, he was simultaneously Director of the research and experimentation department of INA.
In research, he actively worked on the preservation of audiovisual collections and especially in the field of electroacoustic music. Teruggi has composed more than 90 works mainly for concert settings, using either electroacoustic devices in acousmatic situations or live instruments. He is the author of numerous research articles on sound, perception and analysis of music. His works have been performed in more than 30 countries and published in various CD collections.
Doctor in Art and Technology at the University of Paris VIII, he developed an important educational activity at the Paris I Universty, at Paris IV Sorbonne and at the University of Paris Est. In 2016, he received the "SMPTE Archival Technology Medal Award" for his efforts in the preservation of audiovisual content with a focus in music. In 2016 he also received the from the Société des Arts Technologiques in Montréal, Canada, the SAT award for his artistic trajectory. In 2022 he was awarded the prestigious “Giga-Hertz Award” granted by the ZKM in Karlsruhe, Germany and in 2023 the “Lifetime Honarary Award" given by the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA) in Locarno, Switzerland.
Retired since 2018, he continues his musical activity as well as his activity in the audiovisual preservation domain.

Komposition, Dirigieren und Computermusik Veranstaltung