Born in Mexico City and based in Vienna, Enrique Mendoza is an electroacoustic music artist, focused on acousmatic composition, live electronics, and live spatialisation. His electroacoustic composition and performance put into play DIY analog oscillators, lo-fi mini-synths, custom software, 3D immersive audio technology, and multi-channel systems.

In 2022 Enrique performed his live spatialisation sets in speaker arrays such as SonicLab (20.4), Wiener Akusmonium (64.4), Klang Theater (22.2), and Ottosonics (72.3). In 2020, he was invited as Artist-in-Residence at the Museums Quartier to compose a multi-channel piece for the Tonspur Kunstverein Wien. In 2016 the work Cassiopeia was nominated by the Independent Music Awards in the category of Best Instrumental Song in New York. In 2014 he released his first album, Below Sea Level, by Future Music Records in London.

His mixed electroacoustic music has been performed by The Black Page Orchestra, Lizard Ensemble, Reconsil Ensemble, Melisma Saxophone Quartet, Zoom Trio, Het Trio, Ossia Ensemble, Avlitria Ensemble, EMAC Ensamble, Platypus Ensemble, Esther Lamneck, Jos Zwaanenburg, Johan van der Linden and Diego Espinosa, among others. Similarly, his compositions have been presented at Forums and Festivals such as Ars Electronica 2022, NYCEMF 2022, MOOZAK Live-multichannel, Ottosonics Festival, IGNM Strommusik, Festival Cervantino, Ny Musik Festival in Denmark, Xarkis Festival in Cyprus, International Conference on Computer Music (ICMC/SMC 2014) in Greece, the KlangFest in Austria, Tromp Percussion in Eindhoven, 3rd International Forum for Young Composers Sond'Ar-te Electric Ensemble in Portugal, Miradas de Música Contemporánea in Pamplona, Visiones Sonoras XV and the Foro de Música Nueva Manuel Enríquez, among several others.

Mendoza has been selected for Artistic Residencies in the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Mexico, and Cyprus. In 2017, 2019, and 2020 he was Composer in Residence with a scholarship from the Austrian government. He has won the Tribuna de Música Mexicana in 2004 and 2012, the Concurso Nacional de Composición de Michoacán, and the Tribuna de Música de América Latina y el Caribe in 2004. He represented Mexico at the International Tribune of Composers no. 51 in Paris; and at the TIC no. 59 in Stockholm, Sweden. 

Since 2019, he is a professor at the Escuela Nacional de Artes Cinematográficas, UNAM, MX. Enrique holds a master's degree from the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. He is currently pursuing an artistic doctorate at the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz, Austria.

Subjects I teach at the IKD:
- Digital Music Techniques
- Electro-Instrumentarium
- Digital-Instrumentarium

Komposition, Dirigieren und Computermusik