CMS Gesprächskonzert #24: Tilen Lebar - concert installation LĪMEN VIII | Koordination Andreas Weixler
An installation in a concert setting intends to present a spectral mutation of the sonic material that initially reveals the sound of extensive improvisations with soprano sax, english horn, piano, electric guitar. An ongoing cycle of works inspired by anthropologist Arnold van Gennep, the phenomenon of liminal spaces and the phenomena of anemoia and kenopsia
Tilen Lebar - sopran sax
Maria Nikolic - english horn
Se-Lien Chuang - piano, voice
Andreas Weixler - electric guitar
Konzert, Klassenabend, Kaleidoskop
Wann und Wo: 04.11.2024 - 18:00 - Sonic Lab
Abhaltungsstatus: fix
Kosten: Eintritt frei
Veranstalter: Komposition, Dirigieren und Computermusik
Kontakt: Weixler, Andreas; Ao.Univ.Prof. Mag.
Themen: Computermusik, Konzert, Vortragsabend, Klassenabend, Kaleidoskop