Performances und Workshops von IDA Master-Studierenden

3. Juni 2022

Beim internationalen Festival SHARE in Bratislava gestalten am 3. Juni 2022 drei IDA Master-Studierende den Performance-Abend "This unfettered freely circulating affect" in Bratislava.

Un gramo del gramo
Choreography and Performed by: Alejandra Benet
Music: Pascal Dusapin
Costume and Light Design: Alejandra Benet
Un gramo del gramo by Alejandra Benet is a re-enactment piece of a solo of choreographer Eva Bertomeu (2006). Mixing discursive, sensitive styles, and movement quotes, Eva’s absent body becomes present through the transformation of the solo into the performer’s body.

Cold burn
Concept, practice, choreography: Martina Dominicis
Development and performance: Lucia Mauri, Luan Manfredi
Sound: Tobias Leibetseder
Costume and Light Design: Martina Dominicis
Cold burn by Martina de Dominis is a work in progress piece that investigates the potentials of haptic visuality in dance performance. Can we touch another body with our eyes and experience the sweet illusion of having same sensations?

Choreography and performed by: Felix Chang
Music: Purdur feat. Pawan Nawi
Costume and Light design: Felix Chang
Wújìn by Felix Chang, is an autobiographical piece on his honest self, getting movement inspiration on traditional religious elements. You hope that the time passed a slightly slower with your beloved one. If there is an afterlife, we must meet again.

Dance Arts Veranstaltung