The safety representatives (SVP) provide information, advice and support on issues relating occupational health and safety.
If you notice existing deficiencies, a safety risk or a lack of pr
Roman Duffner - Sociology of MusicAbout Buttons, Colours, Bugs and Sounds
Cooperation between human and non-human actants in the production of popular music
This dissertation project examines the collaboration between human and non-
Research ServicesResearch Services
The Research Service informs, supports and advises researchers at the Anton Bruckner University in all phases of their projects. From the initial idea to completion, we support
Research – tips and tricks
What can I find in AnTon:search, the library search engine?
AnTon:search is the ideal starting point for your research. Here you can search not only our physi
Institute of Dance Arts
Brennpunkt der Forschungsansätze am Institute of Dance Arts IDA ist das IDA Dance Research Lab. Dort werden u. a. Methodiken gesucht, die eine gleichzeiti