Die norwegische Komponistin und ABPU-Absolventin Kristine Tjøgersen (Klasse Carola Bauckholt) gewann mit ihrem Orchesterstück „Between Trees“ den 68th International Rostrum of Composers. Wir gratulieren herzlich!

"In the general category,  Between Trees (2021) by Norwegian composer Kristine Tjøgersen (b. 1982) was selected by the delegates as most outstanding. The work was presented by NRK Norwegian Radio.”

“The piece begins with the sound of a squirrel eating (with special effects from the tuba). Soon we go underground. The roots of the trees are connected with mycelia, in a complex network of fungal threads. These ghostlike wires connect trees and plants so that they can communicate, like the forest’s own Internet. The pulses, and thus the rhythms and energy intensify into a lively, subterranean party. After a while we move above ground, where we hear fluttering wings and various birds such as woodpeckers, blackbirds, cuckoos, owls, and magpies.” (from the programme notes)

Kristine Tjøgersen kommt mit ihrem Ensemble Toyen Fil & Klafferi am 7. November 2022 an die ABPU, um Werke ehemaliger Studierender aufzuführen.

Komposition, Dirigieren und Computermusik Erfolg